Crafting a Successful Online Course


In episode seven we welcome Kiley Bennett to the show. Kiley is a successful artist and author. She runs her own business Kiley in Kentucky where she blogs about art and creativity, teaches numerous classes about hand lettering and has written two books on the topic. Her second book, Super Simple Hand Lettering is available for pre-order now.

Her real superpower though?? Well, that’s teaching. She has numerous outstanding courses on Skillshare and teaches with passion, patience, and enthusiasm. She is also SUPER knowledge about HOW to teach an online course (in-fact, she is working on a course about that exact topic!)

Kiley shares with us SO MANY awesome tips and ideas about creating your own online course. How to figure out what to teach, planning and putting it together, even how to get started if you feel overwhelmed at the idea that creating a course will just be too hard. She’s done it successfully (many times!) and shares how you can create sometime truly wonderful for your audience.

In this episode we cover:

  • How to know when you are ready to teach

  • What steps are needed to put together an in-person or online course

  • How to make teaching fun

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Mentioned in this episode:


Thinking Outside the Box


Photography Tips for Makers